Saturday 3 September 2011

Semester Two, Tutorial One

Today in class we were asked to think of an activity we do for at least two hours a week and and reflect on what it means to us. I decided to choose cooking as my activity as I really enjoy being in the kitchen. I cook dinner 3-4 nights per week for my family. I enjoy trying something new each time I cook, and using a variety of different recipes. I also really enjoy baking. I bake for my family (grandparents especially love this), and also for friends or for special occasions. As with cooking meals, I enjoy trying new recipes for baking aswell. I like to be creative when baking with decorating, presentation etc.
So what does cooking / baking mean to me?
I enjoy being in the kitchen as it gives me some downtime after a busy day. I can unwind and experiment with lots of different recipes etc. It gives me a sense of achievment whenever I create something that everyone enjoys, and this encourages me to continue to try new things. It is also a form of income for me, as I work 4-5 nights per week, working in a fast paced food environment.

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